George Hearn

From 6-7-14

These days it seems that we hear a lot about teachers, doctors, ministers, and others that stray away from their positions of trust. Many of our politicians say one thing and then do the opposite. one Man that I have known and respected for many years has always been trustworthy in his actions as a lawyer and judge. That man is MR. George Hearn who has earned great respect not only in his home county of Walton, but throughout georgia. Sometimes Judge Hearn has been known to answer a question in a way that may hit you between hit you between the eyes like a ton of bricks. After you get over the shock of his reply you usually realize that he was right. Mr. Hearn has lived a full and productive life with many contributions to society. It was largely thru his efforts and leadership that George Walton Academy came to be. GWA is now one of the great private schools in Georgia. George always said he outpunted his coverage when he married Betty, his longtime wife. She has always been at his side supporting him in all his ventures, although sometimes she had to hang on to his coattail to keep up. George has never been considered to be a dull man as he always had an answer ready for the situation. Several years ago he and our son Brad enjoyed a Bulldog victory over LSU on a Saturday night in Baton Rouge that called for a night on the town in New Orleans. Early the next morning George stumbled into the bathroom for a drink of water. Brad was already too late as he called out that his contacts were in the glass of water. George didn't miss a beat as he uttered that he now had 20-20 vision in his a--. Today Mr. Hearn is having some serious problems with his health, and needs our prayers. he is a tough guy and has great support from his loving family, but he is up against a tough foe. How about keeping him in your prayers. There are not enough George Hearns left that we can always trust to do the right thing. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU JUDGE HEARN. a lot of us love you and need you.


Todd Whitsitt


Tim Christian - All American